Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Some people are really nasty!!

You find this in everyday life anyway but within the crafting community you would expect us all to be a pretty friendly bunch really. But not a bit of it! As usual there is always someone slagging someone else off for some reason. The latest craze which has come across from the US, (do we really have to copy everything they do??) is something called scrap smack. This is a blog where people can go to discuss anything related to scrapping and not have to give their name.

Now, I myself, do not agree with everything which happens in the crafting world but am strong enough to publish my views under my own name. However I can appreciate how some people may feel safer going under the cloak of anonymity. Unfortunately some 'people' use this cyber safe haven to be positively nasty and vindictive about other crafters. I was sent a link the other day and I honestly could not believe the rubbish I was reading. Along with foul language and downright viciousness some people have really hit the depths. I'm sure their parents would be so proud of them!

The (can't you guess?) anonymous person who started the blog also needs to take some responsibility for any hurt/harm caused. It is a total cop out to say 'I will not moderate this blog as I want you to be free to express yourselves' (or words to that effect). That is a quick way to find yourself in a court of law facing 'conspiracy to slander' charges! One thing to remember is that people are only anonymous to a certain extent. Once the law gets involved Google, Yahoo and everyone else will have no option to give the authorities the necessary information.

Anyway back to crafting! I have just finished a lovely project which I will photograph and put on here tomorrow. I am really pleased with how it has turned out.

Bye for now!

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