Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another one to make you smile......

Just read this and thought it was worth letting you all see!

This is a specially formulated diet designed to help WOMEN cope with the stress that builds up during the day. I have found that it REALLY works!!


* 1 Grapefruit
* 1 Slice Whole-wheat toast
* 1 Cup Skimmed Milk


* 1 Small Portion Lean Steamed Chicken with Cup of Spinach
* 1 Cup Herbal Tea
* 1 Penguin Biscuit


* The Rest of the Penguins from the packet
* 1 Tub Gino Ginelli Ice Cream with chocolate topping


* 4 Bottles of Wine (Red or White)
* 2 Loaves of Garlic Bread
* 1 Family size supreme pizza
* 3 Snickers Bars


* 1 Whole Cheesecake (Eaten directly from the freezer)

REMEMBER:'Stressed' spelt backwards is 'desserts.'

Here's some advice for you:

Doctors proclaim the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things that you have started. I've looked around my house to find all the things that I've started and hadn't finished. I've just finished off a bottle of vodka, a bottle of chardonnay and bottle of Baileys, a butle of Kehuha, a pockage of Pingeuns, tha 'mainder of botl Prozic an Valum prscriptins, the res of the chesescke, an a bax a cholates. Yu haf no idr who gud I fel!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I just love Borders......

I mean the bookshop of course. I don't know if they are a national company or not but we have a few in our area and I can spend hours there! They are such comfy and welcoming places and so many surprises on every shelf. Can't you tell I am a bookaholic? Not as bad as my sister but it is certainly one trait we have in common. I had a trip over to the Preston store with John and William as they both had vouchers to spend. William finally found the maths section (of course) and seemed to find plenty to amuse him there. Too many delights for his vouchers to cope with so he had to add money too as well. John managed to browse the whole place and find nothing he fancied. How on earth can that be??? Hundreds of books about every subject on earth and he can't find something to interest him. Now me on the other hand........! As soon as I walked in the door I could see lots of books waving at me and trying to entice me over. They are just all so tempting! Anyway I came out with these....

....which I think should keep me going for a while. I'm going to give Paul McKenna a chance to make me slim as nothing else has worked so I am hoping the CD has a bit of hypnosis on will not eat will not eat chocolate, you will not......and on and on. I really enjoy Suzannah Dunn for her historical novels. The sixth wife was great so hopefully this one about Mary Tudor will be as well. Sophie Kinsella...well you just have to read her books for a bit of indepth chic lit. I adore her easy reading style. Nothing too taxing but just a well thought out story and a very satisfying read.

I have managed to get a bit of scrapping done over the week, although I have don't have anywhere near as much time now, with working full time. This is a layout I finished the other day. The photos are views around Ambleside Campus which is one of Thomas' choices for next year.

Now this is a little project of mine which I will show you when it's finished. It's all about part of my old Convent school which sadly is no more. It is now a housing estate which I think is just totally wrong as this was an amazing building which had been around for many, many years.

Anyway more of that later. Bye for now!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Another frosty morning!

Wow, we certainly had a heavy frost last night! Seems to have been worse than anything we have had so far over the winter though it was expected to drop to -9 overnight. We kept the heating on overnight, just in case it did get that low, though we are always warm enough in bed with the memory form mattress. John hates it in the summer as it always seems a lot warmer than a normal mattress but in the winter it is just great!

He is in the process of re-doing the bathroom at the moment....(well I can't have him slacking off just because he has no job) ...and I must admit it is coming along nicely. It still looks like a bomb site but at least it is an 'on track' bomb site! Funnily enough I am not in a major rush for it to be completed, I just want it to look good and be done properly so I will just have to be patient.

We are still waiting for the redundancy money to be paid into the bank as we have a couple of new higher interest accounts ready to put the money into. Normal savings accounts are paying such low interest rates it is not worth using them. As we have no real need (hopefully) to touch the majority of the funds we are happy to lock them away for a while as long as we are getting a decent comeback on them and they are safe.

Anyway I am off to brave the frost outside! I think it is definitely time to get the old peruvian style head gear on! It may not look good but it certainly keeps the cold at bay! Back later!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

P.S I love you.

Have you seen the film yet? I've watched it tonight and it was sooo good. I read the book a couple of years ago when we were on holiday and thought that was great but the film was even better. I must admit to being a bit of a 'rom com' / 'chick lit' sort of person. I used to be able to read lots of 'deep and meaningful' books and articles but now the medication won't let me. My brain goes all sort of airy and I can't pin it down to one thing. And 'deep and meaningful' things always need your full concentration.

John and I have had quite a productive day all told. We managed to get a couple of chests of drawers from IKEA yesterday. They are a really close match to the bookcases, not perfect but good enough. Great price as well...only about £50 each. We put them both in our room and have given Thomas the one we had. So finally our bedroom is beginning to take shape again finally. It has been a real mess since before Christmas, what with parcels and boxes and 'things to go to Santa'. I was despairing of ever getting it straight again. However we are now all tidy apart from the new basin and taps for the bathroom.

Getting the bathroom done is the top of John's 'to do' list now he has no job. Hopefully he will be back in employment in a few weeks, probably part time ................and then he can still get the bathroom finished and decorated!

I managed to get a bit of scrapping done this afternoon. I do like my Sunday afternoon's with their relative peace and quiet. The first one shows the gifts we received at John's 25th anniversary dinner. He'd actually been working there 26 years but I don't think they have one every year. It was a smashing evening and we had a great time. It's just a shame he was made redundant a few weeks later!!

This gorgeous photograph was taken by my friend Lynne and I just had to do a layout with it. This tree is by the roadside and, with the freezing weather conditions we have been having recently, all the spray from passing traffic has turned this tree into a thing of stunning beauty! Gorgeous!

Anyway off to check the washer now. The boys are back at college tomorrow so we can hopefully get back in a routine!

Back soon.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Yes! We have an offer!

What a morning! William's letter from Cambridge arrived earlier than expected and caught us on the hop. He was very nonchalant about opening it and I was sure he hadn't been offered a place. He just looked round and said " Shall I read it to you?" I said no I didn't want to know but he read it to me anyway! When he got to the bit about "we are pleased to offer you a place..." I just screamed and burst into tears! He is now floating on cloud nine and our phone is hot with overuse!

Anyway that's another hurdle over with for him now he needs to just get the results needed!

Once we have calmed down we are off to IKEA to see if there are any bargains in their 'chest of drawers' department! Then a bit of a food shop at Asda should round the day off nicely.

Congratulations to anyone else hearing from Oxbridge today! I hope it's all good news!