Saturday, August 23, 2008

And it's back to the eighties!

Yes, back to the 1980s. I have been continuing with my mission the scrap some of my old photos of the elder children. I have had great fun today with a couple of cute photos.

I know it's not quite Christmas yet but that is the fun of can do layouts from all seasons anytime! I love this picture of the three of them and it clearly brings back the feelings of that day. They had never seen such an enormous Santa before and Daniel especially was so excited. It was the first Christmas that he had a real idea what was going on so it made it all the more exciting for everyone.

I love this photo of Kim. I think she looks just gorgeous. She had loads of freckles on her nose and cheeks that summer but they don't show too well on the old photo. It was taken in 1986 when we were on holiday at Pontin's with my mum and dad. We had a smashing time even though we made the usual trips to the medical centre with one or other of the boys!

Some great news as well this week.....Thomas finally gained his science GCSE after having to resit it this year. He was just sooo relieved as it means he can continue with his plans to teach. They only have just over a week left before they are back at college for the final year. Goodness knows what we will be up to this time next year!

Bye for now!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Results Day!

After waiting all summer the day finally arrived for us to go into college to get Williams AS results. They needed to be good ones so he has a chance of getting into Cambridge next year. Needless to say he did not disappoint! All straight A grades with barely a mark dropped in . How can anyone get 100% in two Physics exams and two maths exams? It's a scary thought! I hope Cambridge are suitably impressed anyway!

I've been taking my mind off the worry with quite a bit of scrapping. Nearly all the holiday photos are scrapped now which is great.
Here is a double layout with the photos from the ferry we went on over to the Isle of Mull. It has been years since I went on a ferry and I was really excited. I had forgotten just how big they really were!. I would love to live on a small island somewhere. Just think how peaceful and remote that would be. Mull was gorgeous and I could quite happily move there!

Our Janet and David have just bought a house down in Basingstoke. They are moving in there this weekend. Thankfully it is not a full time move but more like a second home so she can be nearer Sarah and Jacob without having to stay at Sarah's house. She does envy me having Kim and the girls living so close so I am pleased she can finally spend a bit more time with her daughter and grandson. I think they are busy cleaning it all this weekend ready for the furniture arriving on Monday. I am sure they will soon be settled in and it will feel like home for them.

Janet and I spent a cosy girly afternnon last week curled up on the settee watching Sarah and Paul's wedding dvd. What a stunning production. They have made an amazing job of it, with the whole of the day captured. However they never seemed to be getting in the way and were really unobtrusive. So that proves how good they were. I would love Kim to have something like that for her wedding.....when ever it happens.

Anyway off to put the kettle on and watch a bit of Olympics!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

As you can imagine it's been a busy week for me since the sale started. I have spent every waking hour packing orders and making two daily post office trips. There is still plenty of stock left but a massive hole has been made in it, thankfully. So bob along and have a browse. You may find just what you need!

So with all the stock and order packing I have had no time for scrapping which is a bit of a disaster but I have been imagining all the spare time I will have once the shop is finally closed.

It seems a bit of a shame that so many good shops are closing at the moment. There are various reasons for this but a lot of it is due the economic climate......there just isn't the money about in a lot of cases and what money people have is needed for other things. A further reason is that some people just want something for nothing and the biggest gripe of many retailers I am in contact with, is people asking for free postage. There is no such thing as free postage unless it is a special offer. I don't believe any business can afford to cover the cost of postage such as it is at the moment. A customer buying one sheet of 12 x 12 paper immediately sends the postage band up to 'parcel' along with the appropriate charges. If someone is offering permanent free postage then it is added into their prices somewhere down the line. So don't be fooled!

Anyway off my soapbox for the moment! Hopefully I will have some scrapping to show you soon! :)

Sunday, August 03, 2008


I have counted so many things recently! I hate stock take but they are a necessary evil of the business. Anyway not for much longer! I have decided to close the shop and concentrate on other things. So we have a massive 50% clearance sale on at the moment. Yes, everything is 50% off so get on down there and clear some of this stock for me...........pleeeeeeeeease!