Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yes, I finally did it........

I have been debating for ages whether or not to get one and I have finally given into temptation!
Go on ....can you tell what it is? Yes, it's my new WiiFit and I have to say up to now I am loving it! I have been on for at least 30 minutes every day since I bought it. William has set it up in the lounge but it is so neat it can be put away when not in use. I am well impressed.

There are lots of great 'games' and exercises to choose from and the more times you do them then the more new ones you unlock! My favourites at the moment are the Hula Hoop and the 'step' ones. It also measures your weight, BMI and also Wii age (which can be a shock at first!!) and then keeps a track of it over the days. I think it is better to do the 'body' test at about the same time each day and then you are consistant with your measurements. Whether this new form of excercise will last or not only time will tell but it is great to be able to just 'go to the gym' without even leaving the house!

Rhianna was 11 on Saturday! I just can't believe it. Where has the time gone? She had a party for lots of her friends at our local British Legion and all the girls were dressed up and looking far too old! It doesn't seem that long ago since their party dresses were all frilly and princess the are 'cool' and 'slinky'. No matter though, they all seemed to have a great time and she was thrilled with all her presents. She accumulated quite a bit of money and like any trendy young lady is going to spend most of it on ....'shoes, of course!'

I couldn't resist getting a photo of her birthday cake! I thought it was amazing. No messing about cutting bits here and there for this party. Everyone had their own handmade cupcake. I love this idea and have seen it used a couple of times at different functions but it all looks so much better in reallife. Charlotte did a wonderful job making all the cupcakes and as expected Rhianna was suitably thrilled with it!
Well off for another 10 minutes on the Wii, I think. See you all later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG Julie, I am well impressed. Played on one a few weeks ago and Bex wants one for her Birthday. Let me know when you are free for a brew :)