Sunday, January 06, 2008

Will I ever be a good blogger?

Oh I don't know. I feel I am far too erratic to blog and I also wonder what on earth I have to say that others would find remotely interesting. However I do get hounded by various people to get my act together and blog at least one a week as they are interested in what I get up to! (I think they need to get out more personally but hey ho!) So one of my many new year resolutions is to be a better blogger....or at least a more regular blogger! The others are the usual rubbish of lose some weight, get more organised, sort out the finances etc.....etc....etc....

Oh, one resolution I have made which I probably will keep is the '10 a month challenge'. This has come from discussions on the delicious new forum Craft Diner...find it
here if you haven't been already... A few of us have decided to do 10 craft related things every month. I'll probably stick to just doing layouts, cards and mini books but others are aiming for more adventurous things. I've managed 6 layouts up to now and it's only the 6th. You are very welcome to come and join us on the forum. It has a lovely cosy atmosphere and we are intent on it staying that way....not growing too big that people get lost. It's also about all sorts of crafts not just scrapbooking. So come and join us and make that 10 a month resolution!

Last few days in the 2007 clearance sale at the shop. I desperately needed to make some room as I have a few plans for this year and can't get going with them until I have some space. Loads of kind people have helped me out (he he he) and quite a few have even come back again for more! I can't hold the prices down much longer so if you want a bargain get down to the
Castle now!!

These are a couple of layouts I have completed this afternoon. The photographs were taken when Helen and I went on the 'mini Scrap-a-ganza' in November. We made the time to visit the town which was nearby. It was just so lovely and totally different to what I was expecting.

As you can see they are both 3 photo layouts which quite a lot of people find difficult to do. To be honest I don't find them any more difficult than every other layout I do. Some layouts just fall into place and others seem to take me ages!

Anyway off to do another layout now. At this rate I will have time to spare this month with my challenge. More time to blog then I suppose!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Love your LO - really well done. :)

I haven't joined the LO challenge yet - maybe we'll see. But am doing the card challenge. :) :)

Debbie x