Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just a quick visit to say hi! I have a couple of layouts to show you but they have not been photographed yet so that will have to wait till later in the week.

It's nearly time to register again for Scrap-a-ganza. I really love these retreats as they are great fun and the teachers that Heidi gets there are some of the best in the industry. I know some people have been saying you should support the retreats and the retailers in this country. I totally know where they are coming from....as you know I am a retailer and tutor myself and I very much agree.

However when I pay out good money for classes I want to be taught by top class tutors who inspire me in the class itself and also when I get home. I do not want to be shown how to do a layout / project which I have probably done myself in the past.

I must admit to being disappointed and uninspired with what the majority of British 'names' have to offer. They are all very much of a muchness and I wish some of the new, young crafters would come through. There must be some in this country. Perhaps it's just me never having heard of them. It just seems that all the same people get chosen for design teams so there is nothing new being shown.

So come on , let's see the new young talent that is out there!

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