Saturday, January 03, 2009

Yes! We have an offer!

What a morning! William's letter from Cambridge arrived earlier than expected and caught us on the hop. He was very nonchalant about opening it and I was sure he hadn't been offered a place. He just looked round and said " Shall I read it to you?" I said no I didn't want to know but he read it to me anyway! When he got to the bit about "we are pleased to offer you a place..." I just screamed and burst into tears! He is now floating on cloud nine and our phone is hot with overuse!

Anyway that's another hurdle over with for him now he needs to just get the results needed!

Once we have calmed down we are off to IKEA to see if there are any bargains in their 'chest of drawers' department! Then a bit of a food shop at Asda should round the day off nicely.

Congratulations to anyone else hearing from Oxbridge today! I hope it's all good news!

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