Sunday, April 06, 2008

And now it's April!

The year is fairly flying by and I am not going to apologise again for being such a bad blogger. You know what I am like...there's always something else to do!

I have actually done some scrapping for myself this morning. We have some photos of the boys on the wall going up stairs and when I was dusting yesterday I noticed they were beginning to discolour slightly due to the sun streaming through the landing window. So like a good scrapper I have taken them down and scanned them. Anyway I set to this morning and have managed to scrap two of them.

This is Thomas and his watch. If my memory serves me right it was a Thomas Tank one and it was his favourite 'thing' of the time. He always had to wear it and heaven help us if it got misplaced. He used to always be asking 'What does it say?' 'When past is it?' It was one of those 'sent to try me' things! I wouldn't mind but it was about another 4 years before he learnt to tell the time and now he never even wears a watch!

'William' and 'Athlete'...not two words that you automatically think of together! This was taken at their first Sports Day. He must have felt like he was on another planet. I can imagine him thinking..' Am I really expected to do those things?' It's only as he has got older we realise that any form of sport or physical activity would never be looked on as normal by William!

Papers for both the layouts were from my Scrap Room monthly kit. I still sub to this and love it all. I just don't seem to get as much time for my own scrapping so the kits are building up. I refuse to cancel it though. I shall just drown under a mountain of paper, cardstock and embellishments!

Don't forget Scrap-a-ganza is in the offing again. Helen and I are off to Holland in June for a very tiring weekend of cutting, sticking, chatting and drinking! (Your turn to bring the bacardi, Helen!) Heidi is also organising a Mini Scrap-a-ganza in Stratford the weekend after for folks who don't fancy the flight or just haven't the time. It will be an amazing event as there are some really inspirational and creative teachers going plus with there not being as many people there it will be a lot more personal. Places are going fast now that the site is back up and running after it crashed last week. What a nightmare that was. It really gave the wrong impression to people who hadn't been before. Us oldies all knew it would be fine in the end but it's hard to convince others of that. Anyway I'm looking forwards to a great weekend and if you want to join us or fancy the Stratford one just check out all the info here.

Well I think I will go and baste the beef and then do a bit more scrapping. Bye for now!

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