Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Paper, paper everywhere.

Well that's what it has seemed like today. I really should stick to doing one thing at a time. I've managed to be quite productive though. I've got most of my samples ready for the demo at Hobbycraft on Saturday. I just have a few others to finish off. The Cricut really makes card making so easy. Perfect for quick and simple cards.

I've also been finishing off a couple of layouts. I have been determined to do at least two layouts a week using photos of the children when they were young. I have so many new ones that I seem to forget about the ones lying hidden in the box. So these are the two for this week.

Of all the things we bought for the twins this was one of the best!! I had never had a playpen before but someone advised us to get one. It was a boon in more ways than one. Thomas eventually learnt how to use toys and his brother as stepping blocks to climb out though. Sometimes I used to abdicate responsibility and get in there myself with a brew so that I could escape their clutches for 10 minutes. We also put the Christmas tree in it one yet to stop that being destroyed within minutes as well!

Having two carry cots on the pram made it heavy and cumbersome to push but it was wonderful when they were tiny as they could lie down and sleep flat rather than in a sort of 'bent' position. As they got older it converted to a double push chair which made it a bit easier to deal with. Those were the days.

Well time to go and scrap some more. Hope you find a bit of inspiration from my layouts and don't forget to leave a comment!

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