Saturday, September 29, 2007

I've been tagged!

Well I am certainly having a lot of 'firsts' this week!! Now I have been 'tagged'. From what I can remember this is a bit like being tagged in the playground at I am 'it'. The lovely Karen from Charmed Cards and Crafts tagged me and it's all the fours. So let me think.........

4 Places I have worked......

Tesco. Started as a part time checkout operator and rose quickly through the ranks to become Out of Hours Trading Manager. I loved that role even though it meant working nights and would go back to it in a shot if I was younger, fitter and healthier.
Ladbrokes. Another great job though this is going back (quite) a few years. This was another Saturday job which suited me down to the ground. I ended up running my own shop although on paper it was someone else. In those days you had to be 21 to run a bookies and I was only 19. I don't know if it has changed or not now.
The Mill. When I left school my first job was as a weaver in one of our local mills. That was an experience! I worked with a great bunch of people but it was not my sort of thing and I think both me and the looms were please to part company!
Loads of craft shops! Being a tutor and demonstrator I get to go round lots of different shops and on top of that I am privileged to play with all the new toys which come out!

4 Places I've visited......

Anglesey. What a gorgeous place. We have spent many a happy holiday on the beaches of this amazing little island.
Holland. My scrapping home. Although flying is not my favourite thing to do, in fact I am terrified, I manage to get over to Holland at least a couple of times a year. I love Scrap-a-ganza. The atmosphere, the people, the teachers....they all make it a fantastic experience.
Devon. I first went on the amazingly long journey down to Devon when I was about 8. There were no motorways then and it was a long, long drive. We travelled overnight and I found it just so exciting. My dad was not as impressed as he was shattered with being the only driver. We stayed on a farm but I can't remember exactly where. The weather was scorching for the whole two weeks and I got really badly sunburnt. We didn't 'do' sun cream much in the early sixties! I stayed in a room in the eaves with really sloping ceilings and you had to bend down to look out of the window! I will never forget it.
Florida. Mmmmm well this has got to be my favourite place on earth especially with unlimited access to the theme parks. I just can't wait to go back next year.

4 Favourite foods......

Lots to choose from here as my weight will testify but I think I will go with chocolate, bread& butter pudding, honey roasted cashew nuts and a roast beef dinner.

4 Places I would rather be.......

This is easy......Disney, Holland, Anglesey or Devon! But preferably Disney!

Now I am suppose to 'tag' four other people so here goes:


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